Sponsor a child
What We Do
What's involved
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The Ministry of Presence seeks to be a servant of the poor. We live with those who have been rejected or ignored by society and to provide for their spiritual and physical needs.
This project arose out of a conversation with a Honduran priest, who had pastored several mission churches in the mountains near Tegucigalpa, in central Honduras.
"Scholarships," he said. "When you give a child an education, you help the whole family."
How You Can Help
Impacting poverty
Donate or Renew
A donation of $38 per month (or an annual payment of $456.00) provides the money necessary for a child to attend school. Unlike in the US, if a child cannot pay for uniforms, lunch, books etc. they cannot attend the public school. Please help to make a difference in the lives of the world's poorest families.
If you wish to become a sponsor, first visit our SPONSORSHIP page or make any donation to the Ministry of Presence. We also try to meet the needs of families in crisis. We help with medical expenses, hurricane relief, and the purchase of food and clothing, depending on the situation. We try to preach the gospel, both in word and deed.
If you wish to renew your $38 monthly payment or your annual $456.00 payment, you can do so on the same page linked below. How you pay is up to you.
After you select a child to sponsor, you will be able follow her or him through high school and beyond. We create a forum for you to communicate with the child, as they grow up by email, social media, and other means.
All the children come from families living in poverty. By giving the child an education and the ability to earn an income, the family will be able to lift themselves up to a better standard of living.
Donations are received through SAMS-USA (Missionary Special Project - Melvin), a separate secure site. Checks can be processed on line at the same site or sent to SAMS-USA address below.
Sign the check to SAMS-USA with 'Jack Melvin-Projects' in memo line. SAMS USA is a member of Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability. More about SAMS-USA here.
Please note that 100% of your donation goes toward the Ministry of Presence. There is no administrative fee.
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